Bernie Berlin

social networking ist schon eine feine sache.

den zweiten "local hero" hab nicht ich gefunden sondern er mich. seit gestern sind bernie und ich myspace freunde, und sein synthie-electro-pop hat mich gleich mal so geflaht, dass ich ihn diese woche featuren will.

lassen wir ihn sich doch gleich selber mal vorstellen:

Born in the mid 70ìes in Upper-Austria. After graduating school bernie gets more and more interested in the radio-medias and other medias, started studying publicity and he was one of the founders and moderator of radio fro, the first radio station in Austria, which sended online and on a cable, because of the former ORF monopol. (1995) He hosted a weekly Indie-Radio-Show called Indie-Park, which was a big success from 1995 -2000. At the same time he worked for Life Radio (traffic-news, local-news) and was sound engineer for ORF`s Radiowerkstatt Gutenstein, where he teached young radio-students in radiotechniques. Currently works for film and theater. ACTOR for the stage-play "Hunt", written by franzobel, won 2(!) nestroy-awards (the most important theater-award in Austria). 15.000 people watched it. His breakthrough and highlight of his career. ACTOR in several popular TV movies and series like 4 Frauen und ein Todesfall , Schloßhotel Orth, Agathe etc. He also worked with psychic-handicapped people for a social-theater project in linz, a sketch-show and he also is a fan of impro-theater, which was in his opinion his greatest influence for acting. But audio is as important for bernie as video and so he had several music-projects most to mention kaufhaus 3000 (with lou walter,jan marvalinne) who smashed the dancefloor- hit "gertie senger" in the charts and the following single "luder" in the year 2003, after the split of kaufhaus 3000. In 2006 he realesed his first solo album space-autism, which was a pure electro-album . Nevertheless he also loves dj-ing . Locations in which he played where: Premysl(Ex-Resident), Shelter, Stadtwerkstatt, Treibhaus and many more. Furthermore he was a pioneer of making 80ìes parties,(even in the mid 90ìes),which had a bad image at that time . Join Bernie Berlins and buy the new solo-album space-autism on!!!

auch unbedingt lesen den blog von bernie berlin auf seinem weg zum startum.

und ach ja den link bin ich jetzt noch schuldig. leider gibts diesesmal nix zum downloaden sondern nur zum anhören. ist aber trotzdem einen klick wert.
d-tex - 29. Dez, 21:43

jetzt doch auch mit download funktion ...

... und da sieht man wieder die macht der blogenden welt.



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