
Über Erdgas stolperte ich das erste mal, als ich mir eine Maxi mit dem Bad Schriftzug von MJ gekauft habe.

Wird so ein Dancefloor-Projekt sein dachte ich, und nein wars nicht hat mich glatt weggepustet.

Der Mix von Erdgas ist wired, mit einer unglaublichen Sängerin, Tempo herausgenommen und mit einem unglaublichen Groove.

aber auch die anderen Sachen von Erdgas sind stark zu empfehlen. Gehen von Homelistening bius hin zu Dancefloor. Leider kann man auf der Myspace-Site nicht downloaden.

Dafür gibt es im FM4 Soundpark umsomehr freie Downloads.

Kurz noch zur History:

The infamous ERDGAS was originally founded in the glory year 1996 by three just-as-infamous wannabe producers with funk in their blood, a head full of ideas and the need for sexy music in their ears. It was just kind of kitchy destiny what happened the next years: Dominik left ERDGAS, Mario and Andi produced more of their top-hits and still do - with tremendous success in getting sexier with every new track they produce. For some reason in their beginning they got attention by the vw-soundfoundation which kicked ERDGAS first official single humobaby on their cd-compilation. Later they got response from various clubs (such as arge Salzburg, rhiz, b72, flex,) with the license to play in front of interested music-consumers. The Wiener Konzerthaus ordered a specially composed 20-minute-performance for the palimpsest-festival where ERDGAS played together with artists such as Fennesz and others. The performances at the opening-event of the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York were another highlight that warmed the ERDGAS boiling oven. Until now ERDGAS had three releases on Masterplan Records/Vienna and one on FM4s Soundselection. The Austrian Broadcasting Station ORF spices up several productions with ERDGAS, the motion picture films Crossing the Lines and David Schalkos/Mike Majzens Nitro got pimped with 8 ERDGAS-tracks; some tv-commercials too. Even Ricky Martin called for a remix. In the moment ERDGAS is working on album ..2, because ..1 will be released on the beloved wald-label soon. Lots of coproductions, remixes, a science-fiction radio-play and stuff to come!. The more gas comes out, the hotter the oven gets. thank you all for passing-by!

Ach ja und eine eigene Homepage gibt es auch.

Das wars auch schon wieder für diese Woche, more local heros, wie immer nächsten Dienstag.


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